Short: Mui settingfile & 24 bit background brushes. For truecolour screens. Author: Linus Brimstedt Uploader: Linus, This is four backdrop pics and a settingsfile for mui that I put together when I got my cgfx 64/3d. They are done in a flash, but I think they look quite good anyway, nothing advanced, really. Included too is my palette prefsfile for the workbench. This is just to get the correct colours on some backgrounds that are not specifiable in the mui prefs. It's only the 'steel' settings anyway. This is ofcourse freeware. Demanding anything for this would be too much. You might very well send me a email thought, to tell me what you think. Spread it as you like, just as long as it doesnt benefit any fascist ppl out there! Meet me at irc, Sparkle @ #AmiCoders @ Dalnet